Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fresh on the Market....Who Would You Rather?

This has been a week of breakups and divorces in Hollywood and the aftermath has left three ladies on the rebound.  The question is which of these lucky ladies would like to take a ride on the wild side with the Grayt Gatsby?
Vanessa Hudgens

Scarlett Johansson

Jennifer Carpenter

Let's start with the elimination round...Jennifer Carpenter you gotta go baby.  Just not high-profile enough for a blogger on the rise.  I'm trying to climb ladders the space between her eyes kind of reminds me of a hammer head shark...if she plays her cards right though Jennifer can get a consolation night with the Grayt Gatsby.  

Having to choose between Miss Hudgens and Scar-Jo is no easy feat.  You may have guessed that I'd be choosing Scar-Jo for the win based on her previous exposure here.  9 times out of 10 Scar-Jo's going home with a ring on her finger but my world was thrown into a tailspin with the emergence of sexy little minx Vanessa Hudgens on the singles scene.  I'm a sucker for a brunette and dark eyes both of which Vanessa is packing.  Vanessa is also 4 years younger than Scar-Jo so that has to be taken into account.  The only solution is to lead a double life where I "travel" a lot for business.  It's like the "No Child Left Behind" Act except in this case it's the "No Woman On the Rebound Left Behind" Act.  Bingo bango.  Case closed.  Problem solved.

1 comment:

  1. scarlett. carpenter freaks me the fuck out.
